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Home Away From Home

Rhapsody in seA

Rhapsody in seA is our sailboat. We have sailed this boat all over the Florida panhandle, the coast of Alabama, and Charleston, SC. Whether for a day sail, anchoring in a cove for an overnight stay, or an extended cruise we always enjoy our time on this boat.

Beach Ambience:

Rhapsody on the roAd

Rhapsody on the roAd is our Casita camper. The camper was made in 1999 and we acquired it in 2019. It was well cared for and fits us perfectly. We love taking the camper for land-based adventure.

Campsite Ambiance:

Naming of Rhapsody

The name comes from the music work, Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Rhapsody on a Theme is written for solo piano and symphony orchestra. The work is part of a set of 24 variations on the twenty-fourth and last of Niccolò Paganini's Caprices for solo violin. Most of the variations are in A minor, which is the reason for the upper case "A" in name of the boat, Rhapsody in seA and the name of our camper, Rhapsody on the roAd. The 18th variation is well known. You may remember the piece from the movie "Somewhere in Time".

Rhapsody on a Theme:

Music licensed for c22sail.com



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