The Brownie Hawkeye Flash Model was made from 1950 to 1961. We spotted this camera sitting on a shelf in an antique store. It appeared to be in great condition and working order. We took it to the counter.
The Tool Belt
This tool belt belongs to our friend Pamela Adams Cook. She graciously allowed us to photograph it. There is a story behind this photograph which I could never tell as well as Pam. What follows is her beautiful story, in her words, of a beautiful friendship and the man that once wore and used this tool belt.
If You Can Keep Your Head...
Starting from early childhood I had a love for books. In sixth grade we had to memorize the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling. I had already read the poem before sixth grade and the assignment. As I look at our leaders today I wonder "If" any of them have ever read it, much less committed it to memory or taken it to heart.
Back to School
Brown paper bags were a staple when I went to school. We would use grocery size bags to cover our textbooks. The little monster drawn on the cover is one of two things I used to draw routinely. Sometimes still do. The other is a snail. Of course there was the prerequisite lunch bag. Advertising pencils were popular, such as the Wonder Bread pencil in the photo. They were free and we could save our money for other things.
The Earth is Slow
The Earth is Slow but the Buffalo is Patient
Photography has always brought me a great deal of peace. When the troubles of the every day wear on me I pick up my camera and look for such a place as pictured above. Photography has been an important part of my life since 1964, when I got my first camera. Dora has always recognized the importance of this expression in my life and has been generous to make sure I had what I needed and more. Much to the dismay of many of my friends, including some of my photography friends, I can find such a quiet place as this and sit on a rock for a long time. I can almost hear them saying, "Take the picture already!" Dora is patient with me and fortunately so are a number of my photography friends, some of which are exactly like me in this regard.
Still Life
We started working with still life during the Covid pandemic to find expression when we couldn’t get out and explore. We found that we enjoyed the challenges it brought and artistic expression it provided. Still life challenges what we know about composition, lighting, and storytelling. It will continue to be one of our photographic outlets.
Astrophotography, Boone NC
If I were to put a label on the type of photography I enjoy most it would be Adventure Photography. Dora and I both enjoy getting out and exploring the natural beauty of the world around us. We learned about the Mountains to Sea Photography Workshops through fellow photographer and friend Tony Gouge. Tony had been on several of their outings and spoke highly of them. Dora and I are avid sailors as well as love getting out and exploring the mountains and wilderness areas we can get to. The workshops sounded perfect.
Autumn Waterfalls
Dora and I recently participated in the Autumn Waterfall photography workshop hosted by Mountains to Sea Workshops. The workshop was led by professional photographers Alistair Nicol and Tommy White. The photograph featured above is Shoal Creek Falls and was taken at Living Waters.
Charleston Atrophotography
Dora and I just returned from an astrophotography workshop in Charleston, SC. The workshop was presented by Mountains to Sea Photography Workshops and presented by photographers Tommy White and Alistair Nichol. This is the third workshop we have participated in. The Milky Way is just starting to be visible again and we hoped to capture it.
Sibley Mill
Sibley Mill is an old textile mill located in Augusta, GA and situated alongside the Augusta Canal. Sibley Mill occupies the old site of the Confederate Powder Works facility. The Confederate Powder Works was constructed in 1862 and supplied approximately 2,750,000 pounds of gunpowder to the Confederate Army. The Federal Government confiscated the land and sold it off. By 1872 the remaining buildings had been deemed useless and most were demolished. The tall chimney in front of Sibley Mill is the only structure remaining of the old Confederate Powder Works.
The Bible and the Episcopal Church
The church is The Episcopal Church of Our Savior, located in the town of Trenton, SC. This is a beautiful church with wood interior. The building was consecrated on June 30, 1882 by Bishop William B.W. Howe. The bell tower was a later addition. The Episcopal Church of Our Savior is one of three churches that make up The Episcopal Church of the Ridge. The Episcopal Church of the Ridge was formed in 1973 under the suggestion of the Diocese of Upper South Carolina. Smaller churches were encouraged to form a cluster under one priest and one governing board. The name "Church of the Ridge" came from a ridge that runs through the area. The other two churches that make up The Episcopal Church of the Ridge are Trinity Episcopal Church in the town of Edgefield, SC and Grace Episcopal Church in the town of Ridge Spring, SC. Worship takes place every Sunday in one of the three churches on a rotating basis.